Events and News

Bark in the Park 2024 date

The date for Bark in the Park, the Friends of Queen’s Park’s ever-popular community dog show has been fixed for 2024. The date agreed with heading sponsor Coastway Vets, is Saturday, 1st June.

As ever, there will be opportunities for the sponsorship of each of the classes, as well as further opportunities for traders to join in the fun. To find out what is available click HERE.

Queen’s Park history walk

Local historian Peter Crowhurst (pictured) has agreed to give a history walk on Sunday, 2nd June starting at 11 am starting at the Park Street park entrance and concluding at 12.15 at the cafe.

The walk covers the development of Queen’s Park and those adjacent streets, which were once part of the park’s estate, from the time it was open farmland in Hilly Laine to when the park was landscaped for use as a public park becoming, perhaps, the most ornamental park in Brighton at the time.

The talk will look at the various owners, including a Hong Kong cattle rancher and a mad Cardinal, and their contribution to this development and the buildings they constructed. The German Spa, an archery ground, a roller skating rink, Attree’s villa and the Pepperpot were all part of the story that will be told.

Numbers will be restricted and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Anyone interest in learning about the history of Queen’s Park should click HERE.


Herbie rides again

Julia Behrens, who established the herbal beds in the Wild Garden, will be giving a talk about all the herbs growing there on Wednesday, 29th May from 5 pm till 6 pm.

Numbers will be restricted and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Anyone interest in learning about all the Wild Garden herbs and what an exerienced herbalists such as Julia use them for should click HERE.

History walk – extra date announced

As a result of over demand for places, local historian Peter Crowhurst (pictured) has agreed to give a second history walk on Sunday, 30th June starting at 11 am starting at the Park Street park entrance and concluding at 12.15 at the cafe.

The walk covers the development of Queen’s Park and those adjacent streets, which were once part of the park’s estate, from the time it was open farmland in Hilly Laine to when the park was landscaped for use as a public park becoming, perhaps, the most ornamental park in Brighton at the time.

The talk will look at the various owners, including a Hong Kong cattle rancher and a mad Cardinal, and their contribution to this development and the buildings they constructed. The German Spa, an archery ground, a roller skating rink, Attree’s villa and the Pepperpot were all part of the story that will be told.

Numbers will be restricted and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Anyone interest in learning about the history of Queen’s Park should click HERE.

Date for butterfly walk

Sussex Wildlife Trust’s Huw Morgan will be giving a guided butterfly walk on Wednesday, 5th June.

The walk will start at 11 am and end at noon. Those signed up to the walk are asked to meet in front of the Queen’s Park Tennis Club house.

Those joining the guided walk are asked to make a donation to Sussex Wildlife Trust.

The places on the walk are being all allocated strictly on a first-come-first served basis. Register HERE



This year’s Carols in the Park will take place on Friday, 6th December outside the Royal Spa Nursery with admission from 6pm onwards.

Your help needed

Once again the popular event will feature the Salvation Army brass band and the Vox Community Choir. However popular Carols in the Park is, nothing can happen without volunteer support to help make it happen. So here are the tasks for which the Friends of Queen’s Park is seeking support: 

Before the event 
– Putting up posters
– Helping to collect equipment by car

On day from 4 pm onwards
– Helping transport equipment to Royal Spa
– Help setting up tables and putting up lights, rigging up speakers
– Serving mulled wine
– Meeting and greeting members of the community as they arrive
– Clearing up the site at the end of the event
If you would like to put yourself to volunteer to take on any or all of these tasks click HERE.
Download the Carols song sheet HERE


Free AED/CPR training course available

March 9th, 2025

The Friends of Queen’s Park has arranged for AED and CPR (Automated External Defibrillator and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) training to take place on Saturday, 29th March in the clubhouse of the Queen’s Park Tennis Club.

The training will be delivered by the Sussex Heart Charity and take place between 1 and 3 pm. The course is free and places will be allocated on a strict first-come-first-served basis.

To apply for a place on the course should email [email protected].


October 30th, 2024

This year’s Carols in the Park will take place on Friday, 6th December outside the Royal Spa Nursery with admission from 6pm onwards.

Your help needed

Once again the popular event will feature the Salvation Army brass band and the Vox Community Choir. However popular Carols in the Park is, nothing can happen without volunteer support to help make it happen. So here are the tasks for which the Friends of Queen’s Park is seeking support: 

Before the event 
– Putting up posters
– Helping to collect equipment by car

On day from 4 pm onwards
– Helping transport equipment to Royal Spa
– Help setting up tables and putting up lights, rigging up speakers
– Serving mulled wine
– Meeting and greeting members of the community as they arrive
– Clearing up the site at the end of the event
If you would like to put yourself to volunteer to take on any or all of these tasks click HERE.
Download the Carols song sheet HERE


October 25th, 2024

The Friends of Queen’s Park is pleased to announce that the Council has awarded the contract for the second phase redevelopment of the play area and the new equipment could be in place before Christmas.

An exhibition at the Jubilee Library on Saturday, 9th November between 10am and 4pm will allow the local community to see how the appointed contractors, Kompan, have interpreted the brief developed by the Council following the consultation supported by the Friends of Queen’s Park.

Officers and representatives of the contractors will be on hand to answer questions at the design reveal, which also features the delivery of other designs for Hove Park and Wild Park.

The next phase will start mid-November with a possible completion date ahead of Christmas.

The new features will include new equipment for the toddlers area; a sand pit element; a pendulum swing; a new climbing stack and the much anticipated zip wire.

It is anticipated that the next phase, which will now include elements catering for toddlers, teenagers and young adults, will take four weeks to install and will require some parts of the play area to be temporarily closed while the installation is being progressed.


Date for butterfly walk

May 24th, 2024

Sussex Wildlife Trust’s Huw Morgan will be giving a guided butterfly walk on Wednesday, 5th June.

The walk will start at 11 am and end at noon. Those signed up to the walk are asked to meet in front of the Queen’s Park Tennis Club house.

Those joining the guided walk are asked to make a donation to Sussex Wildlife Trust.

The places on the walk are being all allocated strictly on a first-come-first served basis. Register HERE


About Queens Park

JourneyOn: travel to and from Queens Park.

Queens Park occupies a beautiful green valley facing south east towards the Channel.

In 1890 Queens Park was bought for the people of Brighton and extensively landscaped.

Queens Park is listed on the English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest as Grade 2.

It has a large pond, a cafe, a well equipped playground and 22 acres of of rolling lawns and quiet wooded corners.

It is half a mile from the sea, one third of a mile long and has one and a half miles of footpaths.

It rises from 70 feet above sea level at the bottom to 140 feet at the top.

Parking: Zone C and meter. Some free parking on Queens Park Road and nearby streets.