← Carols In The Park: Fri 9 Dec Improved Bus Services For Queens Park →Join us for the annual Wild Garden Clear Up. Chris Lowe says: “Start time is 10am but people are welcome any time. Tools may be a little limited in quantity so bring your own if you wish. The menu:
Litter picking: Everywhere
Path clearing: Top end
Pruning overhanging Hazel and Elm + some nettle and Blackberry.
Rotten stump reduction to clear path between Badger sett and raised beds.
Ditto + filling (non Badger) hole hazard.
General clearance: Greater willow herb, Nettle (pull or cut)
Wildflower meadow (!?) cut or pull up long grass.. removed nettle and blackberry
Badger Sett. Protection. Relocate any pulled up Bramble. Bramble branches
Plus lots more!!
Cheers Chris
For more info on the day ring/text me on 0776 1674 827