Bark in the Park 2013 – report and pictures of the day
Best in Fun Show ‘Seamus’ Best in Show Pedigree ‘Frazer’ I’m only here for the ladies
“My, you were lucky with the weather”. If I had a pound for every time someone said that
. . .. did no one read last year’s Bark report? The forecast is always bad, and come the day, come the sun – eventually! There’s something about the Bark, something very special, and the weather Gods acknowledge that and look kindly upon it.
This year we promised “Bigger, Better, Barkier!” I reckon we delivered. With huge thanks to our partners Coastway Vets, this was the best Bark ever.
For the first time we had two Show Rings, the Coastway Pedigree Ring, and The Friends of Queens Park Fun Ring.
There was a Pimms Bar ( thanks to the Camelford Arms ), cakes, coffee and Bratwerst sausages for the two legged types, and portrait painters, photographers, Achypaw masseurs , Reiki , dental checks, hand made snacks and a whole lot more for the four legged ones.
With Coastway lending their expertise to the registration, over 250 dogs made over 440 class entries. A record
And controlling this were our fabulous Judges, Heather Ryan, Hanna Pook in the Fun Ring, and Barry Rimmel in the Pedigree Ring
And MC’ing again, and it would not be the Bark without her, the wonderful Annabel Giles.
We have so many photos of the day, free for you to help yourself to, that we a split them into 3 different galleries for you to look at. Click here to see them. Fun Ring Prize Winners, Pedigree Ring Prize Winners, and Photos of the Day.
And a massive thank you to our Park Ranger, Lindsay, without whom nothing in the Park is possible.
Of course the day would be nothing without our Sponsors, so a huge thanks to them. If you want more information about any one of them, just click in their logo below, and you will be taken to their web site. They all have huge benefits for our dogs, and all are worth a visit, so please take the time to have a look.

Leaps and Hounds training and dog care