Playground makeover to begin – have your say

Photograph of Queen’s Park playground courtesy Brighton and Hove News
The start of the Queen’s Park playground revamp is about to get underway shortly, but, before it does the community will be given a chance to have its say about what it would like to see.
Brighton & Hove City Council allocated £146,000 for the refurbishment at the start of the year and on Tuesday, 28th September two officers will be visiting the playground between 2pm and 4pm to start taking soundings from parents, carers and children about what they would like to see in the space. The funds earmarked for the project will be used for a phase one development with a future phase possible subject to a fundraising drive by members of Friends of Queens Park with support from City Parks officers.
Caroline Burnard and Jerome Hansen, two members of the Friends of Queen’s Park’s sub-committee, who are spearheading the oversight of the playground transformation, will also be on hand alongside the Council Officers.
Commenting Caroline said: “This is only the start of the consultation process. The Council’s consultation portal will be activated shortly and this will provide more members of the local community to have their say on how it would like to see the playground developed. The Friends of Queen’s Park will be publicising the link to the consultation as soon as it goes live.
“In the meantime, the Friends group have emphasised to the Council that, while it recognises the financial constraints and the need to minimise on-going maintenance costs, it hopes to see the use of natural materials wherever possible, using colours that blend with the surroundings of our Grade II Listed Park.”