Sussex Gardens Trust Visits Queen’s Park
Monday 10th November saw the Friends of Queen’s Park hosting an ‘away day’ conference for the Sussex Gardens Trust in the tennis pavilion.
Formed in 1995, The SGT is a registered charity “committed to the protection and evolution of garden heritage in Sussex- from the recognised historical locations to the lesser known, smaller havens of delight hidden within the countryside”.
The presentations and group discussions were used to reflect on past achievements and agree priorities for the future.
SGT has a membership of about 240 members across Sussex. It is one of 35 similar county trusts around the country which have a combined membership of around 7,000.
SGT Council members were present on the day together with representatives of their Conservation Committee, Research Support Group and Small Grants Panel. Between them, they hold a vast amount of knowledge and experience.
As part of the day’s programme, the Friends of Queen’s Park gave a presentation on the history of the Park and the challenges that arise in the 21st century. We were joined and assisted by freelance landscape architect Tom Hardiment and Jim Allison of Brighton and Hove City Council’s Project team who talked about the recent public consultation on Queen’s Park and possible ways forward in restoration and development.
Guy Smyth, vice chair of FoQP, said: “It’s always great to see visitors to Brighton in the park but it was a particular pleasure to have so many great minds under one roof discussing the things we are all so passionate about.”
If you are interested in the work of the Sussex Gardens Trust, here is a link to their website where you can find out more. It also contains the relevant information if you wish to join as a member.
Also, for anyone who has curiosity about garden history and conservation, the wonderful website ‘Parks and gardens UK’ is an inspiring place to visit for a wealth of information.