Latest news
We have now started a new PHOTO OF THE MONTH competition for all you Park users. You can enter any photo you like, so long as its been taken in the Park. No prizes I’m afraid, other than your Photo (and your name beside it) will appear on both our Facebook page and here on the web site. So get out there, and get creative!
This Month’s Photo, and all previous photos can be viewed here.
Courtesy of our wonderful Park Ranger Lindsey, we now have a Ping Pong table in the Park. You might have noticed similar tables dotted around the city during the summer and wondered why we didn’t get one. Well it wasn’t for lack of trying! But now Lindsey has secured one of the tables used in the city over the summer, and its been placed just south of the old water fountain.
The Friends of Queens Park have agreed, along with Lindsey, to maintain it for as long as we are allowed to have it. If you use it, do please remember to replace the ball and bats.
New Chair and Committee members elected
At the A.G.M last night, Johnny Webb was unanimously elected to replace out-going Chair Sandra Magson. Thankfully, Sandra will remain on the Committee, casting her solicitors’ eye over our work.
Joining the Committee for the first time are Andi Belgrove, Susie Latta and Conrad Brunner.
The A.G.M. was well attended ( in fact a full house), and we thank all for coming and for the helpful questions and observations that were put from the ‘floor’.
Details of the new Committee can be seen here.
A.G.M. This wednesday 3rd October @7pm
There are 3 vacancies on the Committee, so if you want to see the best for your Park, want to get involved, why not think of standing. Read more…
Johnny Woodford bench gone.
The Johnny Woodford bench that surrounded the old chestnut tree in the Dog Area has gone. Where? Why? Well the mystery has now been cleared up. Read more…
New Swift boxes for the Clock Tower
Our resident Swift champion, Chris Lowe, has refurbished the Swift nesting boxes Read more…