Forthcoming Events in Queens Park

Bark in the Park 2024 date

The date for Bark in the Park, the Friends of Queen’s Park’s ever-popular community dog show has been fixed for 2024. The date agreed with heading sponsor Coastway Vets, is Saturday, 1st June.

As ever, there will be opportunities for the sponsorship of each of the classes, as well as further opportunities for traders to join in the fun. To find out what is available click HERE.

Friends of Queen’s Park to hold committee meeting in public

The Friends of Queen’s Park will be holding a committee meeting on Thursday, 23rd May between 7 and 8.30 pm in the clubhouse of Queen’s Park Tennis Club.

The meeting will be in public and any member of the community wishing to can attend to observe.

As space is limited, anyone interested in attending the meeting should advise the committee secretary in advance by emailing: Use the same email address to advise the secretary if you would like the committee to consider any issues.

Queen’s Park history walk

Local historian Peter Crowhurst (pictured) has agreed to give a history walk on Sunday, 2nd June starting at 11 am starting at the Park Street park entrance and concluding at 12.15 at the cafe.

The walk covers the development of Queen’s Park and those adjacent streets, which were once part of the park’s estate, from the time it was open farmland in Hilly Laine to when the park was landscaped for use as a public park becoming, perhaps, the most ornamental park in Brighton at the time.

The talk will look at the various owners, including a Hong Kong cattle rancher and a mad Cardinal, and their contribution to this development and the buildings they constructed. The German Spa, an archery ground, a roller skating rink, Attree’s villa and the Pepperpot were all part of the story that will be told.

Numbers will be restricted and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Anyone interest in learning about the history of Queen’s Park should click HERE.


Herbie rides again

Julia Behrens, who established the herbal beds in the Wild Garden, will be giving a talk about all the herbs growing there on Wednesday, 29th May from 5 pm till 6 pm.

Numbers will be restricted and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Anyone interest in learning about all the Wild Garden herbs and what an exerienced herbalists such as Julia use them for should click HERE.